So you’re not able to go Trick or Treating this year for whatever reason, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have just as much fun. We’ve rounded up 10 of the most memorable ways you can spend Halloween night with just family and friends. Many of these trick or treat alternative ideas are still outdoors, but a few you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home. The one thing they all have in common, is that they are safe and fun!

With all the craziness that this year has brought, let’s not let it take away our fun for the Holidays too! If you are looking for an alternative way to celebrate and make memories this Halloween from the traditional door to door Trick or Treating, we’ve got you covered. All the activities on this list are family and kid-friendly and can be done while practicing safe social distancing.
Of course, you’ll have to check your local areas guidelines and make sure each of these alternative trick-or-treating options are available and open in your area. But don’t worry, if one’s not open, you’ve got plenty of backups.
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Tell Scary Stories around a Bonfire
Get a huge fire going, roast some marshmallows for S’mores and tell your best scary stories “Are you Afraid of the Dark” style with the flashlight pointing up illuminating your face (you know what I mean if you’re and 80’s baby!) If Nickelodeon wasn’t your jam, I know you know Tales form the Crypt. Not only would a Scary Story Tellin’ Bonfire make for a fun Halloween night, the stories make for a trip down the 80’s memory lane. If you don’t have a backyard area for a Bonfire, check out your local beaches and parks to find one near you to hold this event.
Go Camping
Believe it or not, there are haunted campgrounds that you can visit all around the world from Salem, Mass to St. Augustine Florida! Research one in your area here
Outdoor Haunted Trail
Aside from the traditional Haunted House, there are plenty of Outdoor Haunted Trails all over the place. Here where I live in San Diego, there’s the famous Haunted Balboa Trail and although that one is closed for the 2020 season, The Drive Thru Scream Zone is open. Just Google “Haunted trails near me” to find out what is open in your neck of the woods (no pun intended).
Drive in Movies
Bring it back to the 1950’s and spend Halloween at the Drive -Ins! Instead of a movie night in, pack the family into the pick up, pop some popcorn, grab the candy corn, and head to your local drive in for Spooky (or a spookFunny) classic. Here in San Diego, several of the areas Drive-Ins are hosting special Halloween Night Movie events, some even with Costume Contests (social distancing of course), just Google “Halloween Drive-In movies near me”.
Drive by Halloween Deco Car Tour
Every city has that one neighborhood that goes alllllll out for every holiday. Ya know, the one that turns their garage into a Haunted House every year and the entire family play actor in the famous Halloween classics? Well, pack the fam into the car and go driving around looking for all the decked out houses with ghosts and ghouls!
Escape room
Filled with hidden clues and challenging puzzles, escape rooms are an adventurous way to practice your problem-solving skills and let off some steam. And if you and your friends or family can’t visit an escape room in-person this Halloween, a virtual escape room is the next best thing. Martha Stewart has rounded up the Six Virtual Escape Rooms That’ll Keep Everyone Entertained on Halloween.
If you prefer to do an in person Escape Room, just Google “Escape Rooms near me”.
Haunted Tours
Another ‘Haunted’ alternative to the indoor ‘House’ is a Ghost Tour. Haunted tours aren’t just fun and frightening; they’re also downright educational. Many of them offer both Adult Only fun, while others are Fun for the whole Fam. Here we have the San Diego Ghost Tours by Ghosts & Gravestones, but to find out what might be going on your area just Google “Haunted Walking Tours near me”.
Halloween Game Night

Some of these Halloween activities are games of skill, like cornhole, checkers, or golf with a festive twist, while others challenge kids’ memories and creative-thinking skills. Whichever Halloween party game you and the little ones decide on, it’s guaranteed to be a blast for the whole family — especially if you’ve decided to celebrate Halloween a little bit closer to home this year. While you play these games, don’t forget to blast some of the best Halloween songs and eat your favorite festive candies. All that’s sure to get the party started in no time.
From Mummy Bowling, to Pumpkin Golf, to Skeleton Puzzles, a Halloween Game night is sure to be a blast for the whole family!
Halloween Backyard Movie Party

You can create this event yourself and Thrifty Little Mom will show you how she set up her backyard movie party area. There are so many fun Halloween movies, but our number one favorite (and a classic) is Hocus Pocus! If you are sick of that one (gasp!), here is a list of 41 Kids’ Halloween Movies That Won’t Keep Them up All Night, and for the adults, 56 Best Halloween Scary Movies Ever. If you’re not going Trick or Treating, it’s perfect time to grab some popcorn, huddle with all of your friends and fam, and get prepared to scream (or laugh) your head off at some of the best Halloween movies out there!
Halloween Scavenger Hunt
Grab this free printable Halloween scavenger hunt from Heyletsmakestuff! to send your kids on a hunt to find candy all around your home! Let’s make Halloween special this year with fun things we can do around the house! You can grab all the best Halloween Treats on Amazon and have them delivered for this Scavenger Hunt, without ever having to leave the house!
Halloween Family Craft Night

Last but certainly not least on this list of Trick or Treat Alternatives to do with the Family this Halloween is to have a family Craftstravaganza! Get out your popsicle sticks, your pine cones, your pipe cleaners or whatever you have in the ‘ole craft stash and make some creepy crafts. Since crafting is our specialty, you can visit our Halloween DIY section for tons of spooky ideas!
Until Next Time…
Stay Crafty San Diego!