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If you’re planning a Super Sonic birthday party, there is no other option than to DIY all the decorations. Making the decorations not only saves you a TON of money on your party, but your able to make things you couldn’t otherwise buy, like these DIY Sonic Golden Rings. Best part is the supplies come straight from Dollar Tree.
My twins 9th birthday is next week and I am in full swing party planning mode! I don’t even care that this year is a bit different due to the whole social distancing thing, I’m still giving them a Super Special Sonic the Hedgehog party. Party planning can be stressful, but after almost 9 birthdays, I’ve finally streamlined the process thanks to my trusty Party Planning Checklist.
If you’re planning your next party, be sure to grab our free checklist so you can eliminate all that planning stress, and just focus on being the coolest Mom on the block!
This week I’ve officially entered the part of the planning phase where I’m DIY’ing all the decorations. Today I’m gonna show you how to make Sonic Golden Rings out of just a Dollar Tree foam wreath and some crepe paper (streamers). I’m sure there are other uses for these golden rings, but I’m using them as decorations and props for my Twins Super Sonic the Hedgehog 9th Birthday.
You can read about the entire party to get more ideas here!

These Dollar Tree Sonic Golden Rings are just one of the many things I’m making for this little party. I’ve also thrown together some Sonic the Hedgehog centerpieces, a Sonic Pinata, and Birthday Banner. I even made this Sonic ramp as a backdrop/prop for the food table with some DIY Palm Trees! Just like the Sega game. You’d have to know the game to know what I’m talking about on that one, but this party is definitely going to be Super Sonic!
Supplies Needed to Make Dollar Tree Sonic Golden Rings

As I mentioned, you can get the supplies from the Dollar Tree for, you guessed it…..$1. I’ll link to the Amazon version for you just in case your all about the convenient online shopping life.
How to Make DIY Sonic Golden Rings with Dollar Tree Supplies

Follow the below super simple steps to DIY your very own Golden Rings for your Super Sonic the Hedgehog Birthday Party.
Put a small dab of glue on the end of the yellow crepe paper and adhere it to the foam wreath in a diagonal fashion

Leaving the streamers on the roll, begin to wrap the paper around the wreath in a diagonal fashion

Continue all the way around, until you have covered the entire foam wreath with 2 layers of yellow crepe paper streamers

You could do one layer of more tightly wrapped paper so that it overlaps on the first time around, but I found it easier to wrap it farther apart and just go around twice. The point is just to make it so that you can’t see the green foam coming through.
Cut the yellow crepe paper and secure with a dab of glue

Now there is an alternative method of making the Sonic Golden Rings with the same foam wreaths, and that would be to spray paint them yellow. This method would be a little more expensive since spray paint is $7-8 vs. $1 for the streamers. Also, spray paint can get messy and if you don’t have a well ventilated area that you don’t mind getting covered in yellow paint, this may not be the best method for you. The one advantage of spray paint is that it would be a lot quicker, but even the wrapping method only took me 5 minutes!
These DIY Sonic Golden rings are just one of many DIY party decorations you can add to your Sonic the Hedgehog Birthday party celebration! Make sure to check out our DIY Palm Tree party props to make the complete Sega game party experience!
If you need a little help planning your Sonic Birthday Party, grab our free Party Planning Checklist so that you dont have to stress about what to do next.
If you’re planning a Sonic party, make sure to check out how to make a Sonic Pinata, and read the details on the full party here!
Happy Super Sonic Birthday!
Until Next Time…
Stay Crafty San Diego!

Planning a Super Sonic the Hedgehog party? PIN these DIY Golden Rings for later!
How to Make Your Own Sonic the Hedgehog Pinata for a DIY Party
July 15, 2020 @ 7:21 am
[…] you’re planning a Sonic the Hedgehog birthday party, you may want to check out these DIY Sonic Golden Rings and Palm Tree party […]
Super Sonic the Hedgehog Birthday Party: Speed on Over and Celebrate!
July 18, 2020 @ 7:36 pm
[…] Sonic is known for his golden rings, and no Sonic the Hedgehog party would be complete without them. You can go here to see the details of how I made these DIY Sonic Golden Rings. […]