You may be someone with additional free time on your hands and are wondering how to best spend your days. Or maybe you are just looking for a Hobby, or a way to reduce stress. Either way, if you’re interested in making things and doing DIY projects then crafting might be for you. It’s a fun and engaging way to make use of your time and the projects you complete will give you a sense of pride knowing you did the work yourself!
If you’re hesitant to get started then you’ve come to the right place to see why it might be a good idea to get down and dirty and get busy crafting. Here are a bunch of reasons that you should start living your best crafty life!

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Learn A New Skill
Crafting is a chance to challenge yourself and learn a new skill. It will keep your brain sharp and also give you a sense or purpose to fill your days. For example, maybe you’re someone who wants to check out Sketch A Stitch and start a new embroidery project. This is a great place to start and you will certainly be challenging yourself to learn something new. I craft alllllll the time, but there are so many things I STILL don’t know how to do, like embroidery! Start small and take baby steps in trying to advance your skills and tackle harder projects as time goes on. You may surprise yourself at how quickly you begin to pick up these types of skills.
Can Decorate Your Home
Another reason why you may want to start crafting more is so that you can make items to put around your house. This is my FAVE reason! There are many projects you can take on depending on the season and time of year. Once you are finished with your projects you can use them to decorate your home, and most often you can do it on a budget. Since fall is upon us you may want to learn how to make this Happy Fall Twine Pumpkin Sign, that I made last year.

You Can Do it with Your Kids
You might be someone who is looking for things to do with your kids, especially as the weather turns colder. Crafting is one of the best ways to make memories with your kiddos and grand kiddos, so get out the arts and crafts and have fun making items together with your children. They will enjoy spending quality time with you and it makes for wonderful Holiday traditions. Every Christmas me and the boys make a DIY Advent Calendar together, and it’s something we look forward to every year!

Keeps Yourself Challenged
Crafting isn’t always easy to do, especially if you are a beginner. Therefore, one reason to start crafting more is that it will keep you challenged. The more you do it the better your skills will get over time. This is important if you are someone who works a lot but doesn’t know how to spend your free time (trust me I lived that Workaholic life back in the day too). Crafting is a great way to get you thinking and designing and the better you get, the more you can challenge yourself along the way.
Stimulates Your Brain
Crafting is also important because it will stimulate your brain and get you thinking in new ways. It’s good to get yourself thinking in different ways and doing a variety of types of activities. It’s an opportunity to mix up your usual routine and try something brand new. You may also find that it helps with memory loss because getting involved with crafting is similar to doing brain teasers.
Can Be Relaxing & Good for Your Mental Health
Your mental health is an important part of your overall wellness. If you want to ensure you get a boost in your mood then start crafting more at home. It’s also an opportunity to reduce and manage your stress. It can be a very relaxing and mindful activity to do by yourself or with others. You’ll also have a sense of pride when you actually finish a project. I always say, “Crafting is like Therapy, except cheaper!”.

Good Way to Spend Your Free Time
You may have a lot of extra time on your hands and aren’t sure what to do with yourself. In this case, you can start crafting more often at home. It’s a great way to spend your free time and to challenge yourself to new and more difficult projects as time goes on. This way you can be productive when you have some extra time on your hands instead of just sitting around doing nothing.
Can Use Your Creativity
Crafting can also force you to apply your creativity. It doesn’t matter what project you are doing, you can always make it your own. Being creative will give you a sense of purpose, and you will notice you’ll get more comfortable with each project that you do. You can always add your own creative flair to any project you are working on which is a way to express your self and your mood. You may even begin to make up your own projects that you can do based on your knowledge and personal inspiration.

Chance to Disconnect from Technology
These days many people are spending a lot of time on their devices (I know I’m guilty!). Crafting is an opportunity to truly disconnect from technology and do something different with your time. Instead of scrolling through social media, you can be working on putting together a project that you can display in your home. You can instead be actively engaged in something meaningful, and give your eyes and brain a break from the screens. Even if you aren’t crafting, we really need to do this more often!
Can Meet New People
Crafting can also be an opportunity to socialize and meet new friends. There may even be local crafting organizations or groups you can join in your area. If not, there is a ton of groups online. Heck, you can even think about starting your own crafting group and being the host! You’ll feel more connected to your community this way and it’ll be fun to learn something new with people who enjoy crafting as much as you do.
Because It’s Fun
Lets face it, crafting can be a lot of fun! It’s a chance to put a smile on your face and try something you’ve never done before. You’ll experience a sense of accomplishment once you see your project through from start to finish. You’ll feel a sense of pride when you are creating new items to place around your home that you can enjoy looking at day in and day out. You may even like crafting so much and get so good at it that you can start making gifts for other people using your skills. It’s always nice to be able to hand someone you love a handmade gift that you put a lot of work into. If you want to get reallllllly crazy, you can start your own crafting business, like me!

Just do it!
If you have some extra time on your hands then you may be looking for ways to fill your schedule. Crafting is one opportunity to do something fun and enjoyable when you have the chance. These are just some of the reasons why it is a good idea to start crafting more. There are likely others you will notice and pick up once you get started crafting at home. Most importantly, enjoy being able to place your completed projects around your home to help you decorate. Why not give it a shot and see for yourself why crafting may be the perfect way to spend your time going forward?
Pop on over to our free Craftspiration Facebook group, and join in on the fun by posting a pic of your completed DIY’s and crafts. I just love to see all your creative and crafty creations!
If you’ve got a million projects on your crafting ‘to-do’ list like I do, than you need my FREE Craft Project Planner so you can plan to make *all the things*! When you sign up for the craft planner, I’ll also send you lot’s of fun, easy, and budget friendly ideas for you to fill it up with!

Free printable Craft Project Planner
Get organized, get inspired, and get crafting, with our free Craft Project Planner!
Until Next Time…
Stay Crafty San Diego!